About me
I'm a writer who had the crazy idea to drive around and live with strangers. I want my words to reinforce the value of individual humans, regardless of their job, status, or location. And as I follow people, I want to pick up wisdom and bravery along the way.
I love organizing things for moms, writing letters to people who don't expect them, making pancakes in any location with an electrical outlet, reading Flannery O'Connor, and making meaning with drops of ink (writing!).
I love the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris, the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC, the Flower Market in Hong Kong. I love the skies on Oklahoma farms, the tiny diner in Russellville, Arkansas with weird murals and amazing milkshakes, the antique store I pass when I drive to Nashville. I love wherever I am, just because I've decided to.
And, most importantly of all the things I love, I love you. You are loved by the Divine, and He is in me. Because of this, I am on your side. I'll give you presents or moral support, listen to your grocery list or your greatest hopes, hold your purse or your hand (but only if you really, really need it; I'm not big on physical touch:).
I know it was crazy to ask people to let me invade their space for a few days. I'm sure people were worried they'd get annoyed or wouldn't like me. And those concerns are valid—I was nervous too! But fifteen people were crazy enough to say yes, and during summer 2017, I bopped around visiting them. Come along!