The Summer Shadow

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Nashville, TN / Bebe / 2

Today was my second full day in Nashville. Shadowing Bebe was just as fun and interesting as yesterday. Today's daily drawing is mom-life lessons. I don't claim to be any good at drawing, but hopefully you at least can tell what I was getting at. In my dreams, I'll be like Mari Andrew.

Bebe, Charlotte, and Mike leave tomorrow morning for vacation, and I also leave to head to D.C. for my next stop. I've had a wonderful time in Tennessee the past almost-week, from wedding to time with Case to beginning Track II of my shadows. Stay tuned for a full report on my two days as a mom—spoiler: I am very impressed with all moms in general, and Bebe in particular. Talk to you soon! (seriously--you can call me all day Thursday, I'll just be driving!)