I went to Seattle, taking a quick pit stop between Sisters, Oregon and Bay Area, California. Okay fine, it's not actually between those places, but it was a high priority stop, so I made it happen. It was amazing. I stayed with Taylor-Marie and got to see Scott and soaked up every second.
I also ate a croissant that changed my life. I would tell you how many I had but you wouldn't believe that I actually cared about eating in moderation if I did, but I do, and this croissant could easily become a food group for me if I lived in Seattle. So let's be glad that's not a thing. Yet! My family will vouch, though, that I've talked about nothing else since I ate this golden treasure. Here's a picture—the twice-baked chocolate croissant from Bakery Nouveau. ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER and the only thing worthy of all caps on this sleek, modern, try-hard blog.
Its formal, reserved appearance
A few bites in. The best moment of my life maybe? (being dramatic maybe?)
I rode a ferry, of course (apparently ferries are an "of course" in Seattle, fun fact) and drank bubble tea. And Taylor-Marie took me to a Mariners game, and Scott took me all around his campus.
Me on the front of the ferry, wondering what even is Rose w/o Jack? [jk, she's a strong, independent female who is smart enough to climb onto a door or whatever and not drown, even when Celine Dion makes it sound like ur supposed to let urself sink into the depths of rly cold h2o, go rose, you rose to the occasion & didn't jack it up hahaha]
There were a bunch of other wonderful things I got to do (Seattle is *was* a top-3-maddieperkie's-world-wannabe-destinations; the other two are Vietnam and Prague), but the only other one I'll mention for now was another thing I wanted to do forever. (The other "thing I wanted to do forever," references that croissant, I'm realizing as I type. Apparently I didn't know it till I put it in my mouth.)
I could spend twenty minutes explaining the role of these books in my life, but we'll leave that for another post. Suffice it to say that one of the chapters I read six years ago made me want to visit Puget Sound (the name of the bay that Seattle sits on) so badly and I finally got to do it and I took Betsy and Tacy with me. That sounds weird. Well anyway I did and I sat and had a picnic and read the Puget Sound chapter from the books and meditated on Psalm 34 and almost got attacked by a raccoon like in Elf. But we'll save that for another blog post.
Cali post next! Yay! Also, s/o to Tucker + the Freeland fam for letting me crash at their place in Napa Saturday night, never have I been so happy to be around friends/have a fluffy bed (It was post-twelve-hour drive ahhhh). And Allison Hall, who emailed me (at my official-y email ayee) to tell me that she reads my blog, which was supremely encouraging because I find it safe to assume that Rah and Mama are pretty much the only people who read it. So thanks for, as they say, "tightening the feedback loop!" (Do people actually say that? Well idk but apparently I do). Bless u frandsss.