Shadow Stories

Sisters, Oregon / Anne / 1

Tonight, I cleaned out storage on my phone and researched grad schools instead of writing a blog post.

Today, I hiked for three hours with another new bff. Which means I have lots to write about, but I'm also a lil tired. 

Tomorrow, I'll jump back into the blog world—after a day off in Portland, and a few days on the road, you'd think I'd be ready! Oh well.

For now, here's the river we hiked by today. sO beaUtiFul!!

Denver, Colorado / Stacey / 1

I've been in Denver, Colorado for the past two days with Stacey and her husband, Joel. They're both attorneys, but since having their daughter (I'll call her A:) eighteen months ago, Stacey stays at home and moms. 

There's been so much we've done that I could (and will!) talk about, but tonight was extra fun, so I'll start there. After A went to bed, the three of us were in the living room winding down before our balmy 10:00 bedtime when Joel asked me about why I chose Samford and what role my walk with Christ had in that decision. Stacey and Joel and I then spent the next hour+ talking about education, vocation, and (helpfully) my post-grad plans. 

I'll be writing about this conversation for days and thinking about it for even longer. They were wise and encouraging and I thought "this is why I'm doing this." So hooray for their encouragement and its function in creative affirmation. I'll post today's schedule tomorrow, probably; I have two half-days at their house so the blogging is a bit different.