Recommendation: The Pioneer Woman
Happy Thursday!
I have decided to use today's post to briefly alert you to the existence of a wonderful blog. I understand that this is backwards, because instead of my millions of followers following her and getting her blog off the ground, my 0 followers have probably already heard and . . . yeah. But she's wonderful, and she's one of the first blogs I followed, so here's a list of great things about her blog via pictures:
This brownie recipe. Reese's INSIDE brownie batter. Genius, I know. I made these for a group of 40 friends this week, and it was so quick and easy! They're wrapped in foil on the right side of this insta picture.
RIDICULOUS dessert recipes (sorry, I don't know where this all-caps mood came from!). I scrolled for so long that I finally had to just pick something. Because I couldn't pick everything. And her posts are humorous and happy and human and wonderful. I have a feeling she would have something funny to say about that succession of adjectives. But that's okay.
She also does sick giveaways!
And posts funny pictures of her dog . . .
and kids.
She also has quizzes about movies that I haven't seen or heard of. But the quizzes are fun I'm sure and have cool prizes! Ah I need to do something on here with prizes! If you exist, you'd be sure to win, probably!
And her recipes. For everything. Are wonderful.
Ree is wonderful, and her dear heart shows in her blog. Check it out:
Happy [Thursday]!