Shadow Stories

Sabbath Ponderings: Fellowship

(this is me not commenting on how long it's been since I posted. okay. glad we had that talk.)

I've been at kamp! And kamp is wonderful. And God convicted me of something at kamp that I'm going to share with you. Because sharing obedience is a way to fellowship with other believers. (see the next post for that:)

But speaking of fellowship, here is today's Sabbath Pondering: I am tired of believers' fellowship being getting together, eating, and being cordial to each other because we aren't similar but talking anyway because we're members of a church and that's what we're supposed to do. I think believers' fellowship is, as my dear friend Mary, a missionary for 34 years in Japan, said, "talking about Christ." That's what she missed about Japan, that in Japan, people would *passionate old person voice* "talk about Christ. Here in America, we do not talk about Christ." She said this when I was at lunch with her; I had asked her to lunch because I wanted to hear the heart of someone extraordinary enough to spend so many years in Japan for Jesus. "I will talk to you about Christ!!" I wanted to say, "anytime! I love to talk about Him! I think that's what we are supposed to do!" The Church would look more like Christ if He were the subject of our conversations. I also think those "I'm going to this because I'm supposed to even though my relationships there are awkward and forced" church functions would be so much better because our  conversations would be rich and full, and the awkwardness and forcedness would be, if not less (I think it would be less!), at least more purposeful. It's often so much easier to love people when we knows their hearts, and it's the people we don't understand who are hard to love. So let's talk about Christ when we fellowship.
...she powerfully concluded, then went on writing, knowing that she herself was also guilty of not trying to talk about Christ and not being vulnerable, hoping the very writing of it would convict it in herself.