Shadow Stories

Letters: Encouragement for my Engaged Friend

This is the second letter I'm posting in this series, here's the first. I'm writing a little string of letters to one of my engaged friends for her to open when she needs encouragement. I labeled the envelope of this one "for perspective and inspiration".

Hey babe—
Here's two quotes I love, that I've connected to each other and to your life right now:
"She felt happy from her head to her toes, and she looked up at the sky with a feeling of gratitude that was almost a prayer."
"Prayer is the contemplation of life from the highest point of view."
The first one is from a fictional novel by Maud Hart Lovelace. I love the idea that it's okay—beautiful even—for our feelings to be almost, not fully, a prayer. That's just how it is sometimes! The quote on the right is from Emerson's Self-Reliance.
I like these together, because they express the validity and importance of two very different moments—very different types of moments I bet you're having a lot right now.
For the first—this is a happy time! Full of logistics and details and planning, but all about something beautiful! But when you aren't feeling this beauty, the second quote is best. Choose prayer, perspective, to look at things from the highest point of view.
But what I love about the two of them together is that they both point up. I will lift up my eyes to the hills, Psalm 121. The reason you can say no to stress is because your wedding isn't about all these details—flowers, food—it's about pointing up. Christ will be glorified, despite and through the details.
Love always,
Madeline PerkinsComment